
How to Grow Cannabis - The Basic Guide

Indoor/outdoor growing

There a three basic forms of growing, indoors, greenhouse and outdoors. Your choice most probably will depend on local laws and the weather if you can grow legaly outside. Since possesion and growing of marijuana is illegal in most countries I will stick to the subject of indoor growing. I can't realy help with naming the best sort for you to grow since this depends on what you can get locally and also on your taste, so try to find the sort you like to smoke. Also the length of growing and flowering stages differ per variety so do some investegation before you start.


To grow without causing your neighbours to call the cops on you takes some preparation. The ways most growers get caught is by smell,light and leakage so preparation of the growingroom is very important. So the ideal growingroom is lightproof,waterproof and smellproof,depending on how much you want to grow this might mean an investment on carbonfilters and fans to keep the fresh airflow going.

Since the plants need some hours of absolute darkness to switch from growing to flowering your room needs to be lightproof, this ofcourse also stops light from your lamps getting out. Most growers use black plastic sheeting of good quality wich will save you money eventualy since it can be used for years instead of cheap quality wich nearly always needs to be replaced after one harvest since it rips to easy. The plant loves light so to make best use of your lamps reflect all light and you should make the room white,some use aluminium foil but that doesn't work as good.

Seeds or clones

The choice between seeds and clones. Clones all come from one motherplant wich is chosen for strength and yield so if you treat her right the clone will do the same. But for most people it's very difficult to get clones and not all clones are of good quality. If you can't get clones you have to go for seeds. When you purchase marijuana seeds on the internet make sure the seedbank has a good name on the internet. I have to warn you for bad quality and high prices on the internet not all marijuana seedbanks are relyable. As for me, my all-time favourite online seed shop is this one. They guarantee a 90% germination rate of the marijuana seeds if you follow the instructions written in this grow guide. And they send the seeds world wide.

They carry 40 different marijuana - cannabis seed strains, the seed strains are straight from their Dutch farm and are the seed strains with the highest THC content available, of wich the White widow seeds is renowned as the strongest marijuana - cannabis seed kind World wide. Because their cannabis seeds come straight from the breeder, there's no middle man wich basically means that the marijuana - cannabis seeds you order are of very high quality and afforable because you pay "Dutch Farm" prices.

All their varieties of marijuana - cannabis seeds are excellent for growing marijuana - cannabis and many of them are Cannabis Cup winners. They have renowned varieties of marijuana seeds and a full range of the finest cannabis seeds. Whether you are looking for indoor, outdoor or greenhouse varieties, they stock ones for every situation. There's a choice of sativa's, indica's and many cross breeds, especially bred for their yields and potency.

Growing and flowering

Like all plants marijuana growing depends on the amount of hours of light and darkness. Plants start growing when temperature and light tell it it's spring so time to grow. After midsummer the amount of hours of light decreases again so the marijuana plant enters it's germination stage it starts to produce a hormone called phytochrome and diverts all it energy to the flowering process. We want to do the same in controled enviroment with artificial lights.


The more light the plant gets the more yield it will give,for only growing seedlings single fluorescent tubes will do but if you want to flower and have a good yield I advice at least a 400 watt sodium bulb per 1 to 4 plants,but more is better so proffesionals use 1000 watts for that.

Since our plants need all the light they can get the best place is a totally white room,wich is totally blacked out from daylight. Make sure your ac outlets can handle the lamps,make sure the fuse does blow if you start your vacuumcleaner of washer. A 1000 watt sodium bulb will take close to 10 Amps when switched on so make sure you're wiring is up to that,if not it can result in fire and the insurance company is not gonna pay if you were growing marijuana illegaly.

Incandescent lights are not very efficient so they are not often used for our purpose. Many growers use fluorescent tubes since they are cheap and widely available, you need at least twentyfive watts per square foot of green to get a result. The trick is imitating the sun's light so a few different shades of white tubes should be used, this gives the best results. Metal Halide lamps are most popular with proffesional growers,you'll find them in nearly every football stadium,they give a bright white light wich is perfect for growing and they make stronger and greener plants. Sodium lamps give a bright yellow/orange light and are very common in streetlights nowadays, lots of growers use them for growing and flowering. I use fluorescent tubes for the seeds to grow to two or three inches, them I move them under the metal halide lamp for growing, for flowering I use a sodium lamp.

Soil or hydro

Soil gives the best smoke to my taste but it's more and dirtier work,hydro is clean but can be a disaster when it goes wrong. Also it's a lot harder to grow a good tasting bud on hydro,it's in my opinion for the more experienced/commercial grower. Another thing to consider here is pots with soil can be moved without problems where a hydro system is static and can't be moved. Lot's of growers get caught here cause their hydro system started leaking to the neighbours downstairs. Since hydro is more specialized and technical I will stick to soil in this manual.


Broken down to basic chemicals our plant needs fourteen of them,the first three are the so called macro nutrients: nitrogen N,phosophorous P and potassium K,those are used in large amounts by the plant and are listed on fertilizer packaging in percentages and always in that order NPK.

Then there are the secondary nutrients: calcium Ca,sulfur S and magnesium Mg and the rest is made up of so called micro nutrients: iron Fe,zinc Zn,manganese Mn,boron B,cobalt Co,copper Cu,molybdenum Mo and chlorine Ci. Most fertilizers don't specify more then the NPK value because the other nutrients are not needed in such big quantities and are in your soil already. The plant needs N mostly before flowering,and the plant starts using P when flowering starts.

So for growing a NPK of 20-10-10 is good for flowering 5-20-10 is good. Be very carefull with fertilizers,overdoing it is a common mistake and will totally ruin your plants,one of the signs of giving to much is curled leaves. Make sure you get natural stuff and no chemical shit because you have to smoke it. Don't fall for special marijuana growmixes since most are just cheap tomato fertilizers with a new label and triple the price. Good organic fertilizers are rabbit,chicken,horse and cow manure. There are some other good fertilizers such as fish emulsion,blood and urine yes piss but since they will realy smell up the place they are to be used with caution.


Since the plants roots needs oxygene it's adviseable to use clean potting soil mixed with some sand and perlite or a similar product,this stuff also stops the soil from drying out to quickly. Another thing to think about is the size of your pots,the amount of space for roots to grow will determine the size the plant can grow so a bigger pot can grow a bigger plant. Make sure the pots have holes in the bottom so excesive water can drain,keeping the roots to wet will grow bacteria wich will slow down growth a lot or even kill a plant. Don't use (red) clay pots because they evaporate the moisture to quickly and will dry out the soil.

Ph and Ph meters

Ph meters come in a lot different shapes and sizes but they all do the same they check the chemical balance of soil and water. There are two basic types,paperstrips for one time use and the Ph probe/meter,the probes/meters have a range from 0=acid to 10 or 14=alkaline with Ph7 as the perfect balance. If you plan on growing more than one crop my advice is go for the meter,it's a little bit more expensive at first but will pay itself back soon enough. You use the meter by putting it's probe in the soil or water and it will show the chemical balance imediatly,it should read 7. When your water is to alkaline it can be neutralized by using sulfuric acid,nitric acid,vitamin C or vinegar, if your soil or water is to acidic it can be neutralized by using a solution of lime,bicarbonate of soda,or wood ashes. Be very carefull with adding those things,a few drops to much will chemicly burn your plants or yourself !


Marijuana can withstand extreme temperatures however it will slow down it's chemical processes so a stable temperature of 20C/68F is best. Under 14C/57F the plants roots growth will slow down quickly so low temperature will give weak plants so don't put the pots directly on a cold floor, it will slow down root growth. Over 24C/75F pests will have the perfect place to grow so keeping the temperature in the room stable will save you from a lot of trouble.

When you have a 1000 watts or more burning the room will heat up rapidly especialy in summer so a fan might be needed. In winter with the lights on you might not need a fan but when the lights are off for twelve hours the temperature will drop quickly,so you can use a electric or gas heather with a thermostat to keep the temperature stable. If you use a fan don't let it blow to hard directly onto the plants,to much wind will keep the plant short and it will use it's energy to make a thick stem instead of wide branches.


About the same story goes for humidity,the plant can withstand both very low and high humidity however fifty procent is the best. However with more then a few plants humidity will rise wich increases the chance of diseases and pests so use of a humiditymeter is also adviced.

Growing from seeds

Since seeds can become male or female you want to use at least twice as much seeds as you want to grow, some seeds don't do anything and some will produce weak plants. To prepare the seeds put them in a glass of water at roomtemperature until they split open and the white part of the main root becomes visible, this can take a few days to a week. Now you can put the seeds in their own small pot of soil, about a quarter inch under the surface and water it well. In a fresh room you might want to cover the pots with plastic to speed up the process till your seedlings pop their heads up.

When you see the seed coming up put them under a fluorescent tube with at least 2 to 5 inches room between the plant and the lights. Depending on variety it will take one to fourteen days to stick their heads up, for growing the plant needs eighteen to twentyfour hours of light a day. I give them light for twentyfour hours since it speeds things up. By the time your plants are three to four inches tall you should let the soil dry out a bit before watering them again,this will give the roots a boost to grow. Overwatering plants is one of the most made mistakes by newbies so be carefull.

Cutting and splitting

By the time your plants are a few inches high and the third set of leaves comes up you can cut the two leaves at the top,this will split the plant up in two branches,you can repeat this process a few times but give the plant time to grow and recover in between. This technique will increase your yield dramaticly but cutting to much will slow the plant down very much since it needs energy to close it's wounds.


By the time your plants have the desired height you can set the timer for twelve hours of light,now the plant will start producing hormones and switch to flowering. Now it depends on the variety how long the flowering will take but the general rule is if the hairs on the buds are sixty to seventyfive percent brown/red/orange it's time to harvest.


The easiest way is to remove all leaves while the plant is still in it's pot,when all the leaves are removed you have to cut the pointy leaves sticking out of the buds. These leaves will dryout and will spoil your taste and make your buds taste sharp so giving you a painfull throat. When all non-smokeable stuff is removed the plants should be hung upside down in a dark well ventilated space, be sure mice and rats won't get to your harvest before you do, they love eating buds and seeds. Give your plant all the time it needs to dry and cure, this process will change the taste of your buds from sharp and unsmokeable to a sweet and heavenly tasting bud. The buds are ready to smoke when the twigs break instead of bend. Don't use heaters of any sort to speed up this process,it will result in a sharp flat taste !

Cannabis The 2002 Guide

Get Started

Get some pot seeds. If you haven't started now get too it. I've looked for a long time for the best online marijuana seeds shop, and this one was the best I could find. They guarantee a 90% germination rate of the marijuana seeds if you follow the instructions written in this grow guide. And they send the seeds world wide.

They carry 40 different marijuana - cannabis seed strains, the seed strains are straight from their Dutch farm and are the seed strains with the highest THC content available, of wich the White widow seeds is renowned as the strongest marijuana - cannabis seed kind World wide. Because their cannabis seeds come straight from the breeder, there's no middle man wich basically means that the marijuana - cannabis seeds you order are of very high quality and afforable because you pay "Dutch Farm" prices.

All their varieties of marijuana - cannabis seeds are excellent for growing marijuana - cannabis and many of them are Cannabis Cup winners. They have renowned varieties of marijuana seeds and a full range of the finest cannabis seeds. Whether you are looking for indoor, outdoor or greenhouse varieties, they stock ones for every situation. There's a choice of sativa's, indica's and many cross breeds, especially bred for their yields and potency.

Pot Seeds

You cannot judge a pot seed by it's cover. Squeeze a seed gently and if it breaks, it was harvested before the seeds matured. Get as large of a variety of seeds as possible. Seeds from dirt weed look sometimes just like the seeds of primo killer mo-jo weed, so get a large variety of seeds. Try not to mix them together. Lots of time people will save seeds from especially killer weed. Just get them already.

Get Some Containers to Start the Seeds in

When you buy small flowers to plant outdoors at a garden store, save the 6-pack plastic trays they come it. Perferrably with the plastic tray still underneath. Tell the neighbors who ask that you're going to start some pepper plants or something if you bum off others.

Another excellent container is the 2 liter bottle with cut in half at the waist. These are free, a good way to recycle, and work well even for large plants. You can get tons on recycling day if your city recycles, or you can go to an apartment complex and raid the dumpsters. Don't jump in one though because it may be full of bees, body parts, baby shit, or diabetic hypodermic needles from a gay nazi elvis fan who has aids.

Get some dirt.

Get a large bag of top soil (not potting soil from Kmart). Get top soil at like a farm store the first time. Hyponex is shitty and overpriced and it turns into mud too easily. You want soil with balls. Use Bagged commercial soil for starting seeds. Wild dirt (from outside your house) is bad because it has bugs in it. Weed is very pest resistant and you will never have to spray chemicals on weed to protect it from pests other than maybe soap and water to rinse a few bugs off sometime. However, very young seedlings are VERY fragile.

The worst enemy of seedlings is those little bugs that roll into a ball when you touch them. They are harmless to plants, probably beneficial to healthy plants, but they will bite the base of a seedling and topple it over like a little DEA lumber jack. Very bad. Get a big bag of soil from a garden store or farm market. NOT hyponex MUD.


It's better if you allow SOME drainage from your seed starting containers. If you use 2 liter bottles cut in half at the waist, poke a hole in the bottom of each container by STABBING it violently with a sharp screw driver. A screw driver with the tip ground into a sharp point works great! If you use the regular seed starter things try using very small holes in the bottom tray which may already be there.

Sprinkle in the dirt gently.

Fill the seed starter containers with dirt, very gently, by sprinkling the dirt into the pots or seed starter things by holding you hand over top of the container and gently letting the dirt fall slowly and evenly into place. No need to pack the dirt, but you should sprinkle the dirt in such a way to break up any dirt clods or clumps before letting them fall into the containers. Don't fill them completely.

Make holes for the seeds

Use a pencil. Perferabbly a number two pencil that says "Property Of The Federal Government" or a regular one if you can't get on of those. Poke a small hole into the soil in each seed container, maybe three holes if you are using 2 liter bottles. Make each hold no deeper than than an inch. A good way is to use a sharp pencil, and poke it into the soil until the soil is even with the place where the raw sharp wood ends and the yellow paint begins, which is about an inch. No rocket science required here.

Drop in the seeds

Drop one, (if it's for sure killer diller shit) two or three seeds into each hole. Make sure your hands are dry first. A folded piece of paper may help if you have a ton of seeds to plant, letting the seeds roll down like a chute. If you miss don't panic.

Cover the seeds

Again with the dirt, sprinkle a final thin covering of fine soil (no giant clods or turds this time please) over the entire thing so the dirt looks even and you can't see any of the seeds. Water them before putting on the covers. Water them good, but don't have them floating either. You want sufficient humidity but you don't want them to drown either. A even sprinkle with a watering can works great, an atomizer will take all day.

Put on the covers

Cover the seed starting kit with it's hard plastic cover. You may poke a few holes in the cover if you want so you can sprinkle water on top later and have water slowly drip down inside. If using two liters cut in half at the waist, cover them with saran wrap and put a piece of masking tape around to hold it down tight. Poke two or three small holes in the plastic with your magic pencil thing. So you can water them later without removing the plastic.

Where do you set them

In the sun or partial sun is best, under a flouresent light is good too. Regular incandescent light (bulbs) is too hot. AND ON THE DIRT, OR A TRAY TO CATCH THE DRIPPING WATER of course. Do NOT let them dry out. (if they're too wet mold will form).

Get some good lights

High Pressure sodium lights, or metal halide lights work great. Try a 400watt or smaller high pressure sodium or metal halide lighting setup. You can order them from mail order companies cheaper than you can buy them at the downtown electrical supply house.

In a pinch, you can line a closet size area with tin foil and stand as many AND AS LONG (long is better) flourescent fixtures everywhere you can. People that grow primo pot indoors use High Pressure Sodium lights, which are those street lights that are orange in color. Or Metal Halide which a few bucks cheaper but just as good probably.

Metal Halide lights are white in color but better qulity light than the average street light. Get a light that's 400 watts or less. Use care in constructing a grow room and you would do good to consult good books on the subject by Ed Rosenthal (books by phone berkeley california, call 1-800-infromation operator to get the Books by phone address etc.) Never use regular incandescent light bulbs (regular screw in) those little screw in grow lights they sell at Kmart suck too. Don't waste your money, use flourescents if you can't afford the good stuff.

Air ventilation

Get a small cheap fan so you always have a small amount of air circulating in your grow area.

Air ventilation, safety and other stuff

If you grow indoors with big lights, you need safe air ventilation to suck heat out of the room. Don't blow up your house for christs sake. A thermostat controlled exhaust fan will work. Get one thrrough the mail from a indoor gardening mail order speciality place. There's a good one that's in East Lansing michican, another one in Shepherdsville Kentucky.

Light timers

Get ones big enough to handle the power you are using. For growing plants, leave the lights on 24 hours a day. For flowering plants YES! use a timer so it's dark 12 hours and light for 12 hours.


Use Rapid-Gro Fertilizer has 3 numbers on the label First number - Middle Number - last number For strong healthy growth when the lights are on 24 hours a day to see how big the plants can get, use a fertilizer with a high first number. 19-19-19 is good. etc. For strong flowers (buds) when the lights are on 12 and off 12 hours, use a fertilizer with a high MIDDLE number. 12-17-12 something like that.

Rapid-gro fertilizer has been specially formulated for growing pot plants. This is no secret to pot farmers. They're high middle number fertilizer is called. Bud builders or something like that.


Need to know basis. People who are stoned always tell their friends about their buddies grow room including location and everything. This is way pot growers are so paranoid, they can't even trust themselves. Don't kill anybody I guess is the rule to follow. If you're a hillbillly ignoramous you probably wouldn't be able to read this though.

When to fertilize

Try using regular water one watering and fertilized water the next one. Mix fertilzed water with one giant tablespoon per gallon (milk jug) of water. Water when the soil is dry and begins to crack slightly. Water more when starting small plants.

Get them as big as possible.

When they start to grow you may have to move them to bigger containers. However you can grow pot using fertilizer in surprising small containers, although they may get a little top heavy after a while. A can of house paint would be an ideal container size. Don't use metal containers though. Wait until they are root bound before transplanting. Avoid transplanting seedlings because they are VERY VERY fragile. Let the plants grow as big as possible giving them as much light as possible. Grow as many as possible.

Tell them to BUD YES YES!

When you have tons of plants growing like a fucking vietnamese jungle, it's time to bud them. Keep a watch out for buds even before you take them off 24 hours of light and put them on 12/12 light/dark. When you're ready to start buds, the big giant leaves will have started to turn brown and falling off a little bit. Now is the time to put the light timers on 12/12 light/dark and begin to use a high middle number fertilizer. When giant leaves begin to fall off help them off. Save these "sun" leaves to smoke with your drunken buddies.

A few days after you adjust the lights to 12/12 and the fertilizer to high middle number, they will start to bud. You are now ready to murder half of your plants.

Remove the male Marijuana plants

When you notice any plant develop male reproductive organs, cut it down by cutting the trunk at the base with big wire cutters.

DO NOT shake the plant, make one clean cut and remove it gently and put it in the bottom of a distant closet on news-papers or something to dry out. Male sex organs on male plants are like little tiny bags that contain polen (plant sperm) that is carried by the winds when the male sex organs get mature or dry out. Carefully check the plants daily. Half the plants will be female. When you think it's time to harvest (don't ask how long, they will tell you) begin with the less beautiful females. Females have beautiful white flowers.

Let the healthiest most killer looking females grow as long as possible and harvest VERY slowly starting with the less healthy less big budded females. Short Squat females are best for indoors. Tall is hard to manage. Pot plants range in height from 2 feet (hybrids and central asian) to like 18 feet for good mexican weed.

Save a few of the best females for your personal stash. Clip only one healthy bud at a time. Cut the bud up with sizzors and lay it in the bottom of a clean wooden dresser drawer to dry. If you find a seed in your weed PLANT IT! Pretty soon people will come over all the time to bum weed. Kill them if possible. When you run out you will learn who your real friends are. This is for information purposes only (or course).

Why is it still illegal?


The official answer: Because you shouldn't use it. You can't use it because it is illegal, and it is illegal so you can't use it. You should not use it. It is illegal. It is illegal so you should not use it.

The manic-depressive answer: It'll never happen. People are too unorganized/stupid/disempowered. It's just futility. Try, but don't expect to get anywhere. I won't get my hopes up.

The paranoid-schizophrenic answer: Don't you SEE?!?!? The guys at the top have it SEWN!! They own everything. They'll never let it happen. I shouldn't even be talking to you, but let me give you some advice!! listen... you shouldn't mess with THEM, THEY know everything. THEY are practically psychic, see? And the only way to get it to happen is to become one of THEM. You'd better watch it, or THEY will come and take you away -- THEY do that, you know. It's all a CONSPIRACY!!!

The neurotic answer: Marijuana? Eeek! Don't you know that stuff is dangerous? People don't make laws for no good reason, you know! Where did you hear about marijuana? Wait! Don't tell me, I don't want to know. If anybody even knew you thought it should be legal -- well -- they'd never talk to you again! Don't you know that marijuana this... marijuana that...

THE REAL ANSWER: Marijuana is still illegal because enough people have not yet stood up together and said:



Without large-scale grass roots support, marijuana will never be legal. Every person that stands up for marijuana/hemp legalization makes us that much stronger, and our voices that much louder. Believe me, we appreciate all the support we get. Almost as importantly, it makes it that much harder for people to say "that's a stupid idea'' or "nobody really believes that.''

If you aren't convinced yet, Or if you are having trouble swallowing any of the answers given, I encourage you to learn more about the issues. Try the sources listed at the end.

If you're with us, let us know! Let everybody know, unless it will get you canned or arrested, but most importantly, keep an eye on what's going on, and try to lend a hand when you can. Also, know your stuff, so if you have to, you can convince a friend or loved one that *you* are not nuts -- the rest of the world is.

What can I do to bring some sense into our marijuana laws?

There are many things you can do. Activists are working right now at all levels to reform marijuana laws. If you cannot afford to be an activist, there are many ways you can help -- activists find themselves short of money, time, and occasionally even friendly company. Get to know a hemp or marijuana legalization activists in your area, and just keep up to date on what they are planning. Odds are you will find something that you can easily do which will help them out a whole lot.

There is a list available called the Liberty Activist's List which will give you the phone numbers or address of groups near you. Also, you may call the National Office of NORML (The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) at 1-202-483-5500. The most important thing you can do on your own, though, is to keep tabs on your state and local legislators, and let them know that this is an issue to be taken seriously.

Many activist groups offer `memberships.' These usually involve a fee for joining the group, and a newsletter that keeps you up to date on the group's activities. This way you know when and why to write your legislators, and thought provoking information which you normally would not get is delivered to you. If and when you need to, most importantly, you will be
able to contact the group and seek or give advice.

What's all this fuss about hemp?

-What is hemp-

For our purposes, hemp is the plan t called `cannabis sativa.' There are other plants that are called hemp, but cannabis
hemp is the most useful of these plants. In fact, `cannabis sativa' means `useful (sativa) hemp (cannabis)'. `hemp' is any durable plant that has been used since pre-history for many purposes. Fiber is the most well known product, and the word `hemp' can mean the rope or twine which is made from the hemp plant, as well as just the stalk of the plant which produced it.

-What is cannabis-

cannabis is the most durable of the hemp plants, and it produces the toughest cloth, called `canvass.' (Canvass was widely used as sails in the early shipping industry, as it was the only cloth which would not rot on contact with sea spray.) The cannabis plant also produces three other very important products which the other hemp plants do not (in usable form, that is): seed, pulp, and medicine.

The pulp is used as fuel, and to make paper. The seed is suitable for both human and animal foods. The oil from the seed can be used in as a base for paints and varnishes. The medicine is a tincture or admixture of the sticky resin in the blossoms and leaves of the hemp plant, and is used for a variety of purposes.

-Where did the word "marijuana" come from-

The word `marijuana' is a Mexican slang term which became popular in the late 1930's in America, during a series of media and government programs which we now refer to as the `Reefer Madness Movement.' It refers specifically to the medicine part of cannabis, which Mexican soldiers used to smoke. Today in the U.S., hemp (meaning the roots, stalk, and stems of the cannabis plant) is legal to possess. No one can arrest you for wearing a hemp shirt, or using hemp paper. marijuana (The flowers, buds, or leaves of the cannabis plant) is not legal to possess, and there are stiff fines and possible jail terms for having any marijuana in your possession. The seeds are legal to possess and eat, but only if they are sterilized (will not grow to maturity.)

Since it is not possible to grow the hemp plant without being in possession of marijuana, the United States does not produce any industrial hemp products, and must import them or, more often, substitute others.

(There is a way to grow hemp legally, but it involves filing an application with the Drug Enforcement Administration and the DEA very rarely ever gives its permission.) This does not seem to have stopped people from producing and using marijuana, though. In many of the United States, marijuana is the number one cash crop, mostly because it fetches a very high price on the black market.